SignOn Gate 2006 Introduction and installation
Version:, 04-Jul-2006
1.1.1 What is SignOn Gate 2006? 1.1.3 How to be always up-to-date 1.3.1 Start with InstallShield 1.3.2 Setting up the SignOn Agent
1. Comtarsia SignOn Gate 20061.1 Introduction1.1.1 What is SignOn Gate 2006?SignOn Gate 2006 is an add-on to Comtarsia Logon Client 2006.
SignOn Gate 2003 is a technical implementation that allows for holding a primary user management on LDAP servers, while resources can be placed on Windows, Linux and Unix servers. It provides the possibility to manage user accounts automatically on Windows servers, Windows domains (NT 4.0 / ADS) and UNIX servers, offers also the possibility to integrate them into an LDAP user management.
The Comtarsia Logon Client and the Comtarsia Sign On Gate not only represents an optimal migration tool, additionally it offers also the advantage of separate user management and resource management maintenance. This means a determining independence compared to proprietary solutions. Herewith stands Comtarsia also for Single Sign On, Centralized User Management and Security Management.
1.1.2 ProcedureAt each logon Comtarsia Logon Client 2006 sends a synchronization request, so called SignOn Sync Packet to the server where SignOn Proxy is running, and the SignOn Proxy forwards it to the respective SignOn Agent. The SignOn Agent makes sure that the user account exists a synchronous password is present suitable access permissions to the home directory are set the corresponding groups, where the user belongs, exist or will be created 1.1.3 How to be always up-to-dateAt password change (either at logon with Comtarsia Logon Client 2003 or during the session) the SignOn Agent is in charge to automatically and immediately update the resource servers. This way the passwords are always synchronous unlike in systems that synchronize passwords via time managed procedures.
It is made sure at each logon that the user holds corresponding access permissions for all resources. 1.1.4 SecurityLogon data is transmitted with RSA encryption. For further information on this matter please refer to the manual “SignOnGate_RSA_EN”
Complete trust from a security point of view between SignOn Proxy server and LDAP directory is enforced.
Please see more under “Setting up SignOn Proxy”/ “Security".
The Security Agent provides a high security level in combination with the SignOn Agent: To prohibit the use of the central user management no uncontrolled user accounts remain active longer than defined, since Security Agent automatically deactivates these. The execution time is precisely configurable.
1.2 Comtarsia SignOn Overview1.3 InstallationThis manual contains Comtarsia SignOn Proxy and SignOn Agent installation instructions in order to setup SignOn Gate 2003 with InstallShield installer.
Administrator privileges are required for installation! 1.3.1 Start with InstallShieldPlease start setup by SignOnGate-1.1.x.4.exe file.
After entering User and Company name, please define, for whom the program shall be available (current user/all users of the computer).
Specify program destination folder, or leave default setting.
Select features which you want to install: Comtarsia SignOn Proxy and/or Comtarsia SignOn Agent.
After InstallShield has copied and registered all necessary files, the Configurator of the chosen service will appear.
1.3.2 Setting up the SignOn AgentGeneral Agent Parameters
Please set the IP Address of the server where the SignOn Proxy service is running (“Proxy Server(IP address)”). In case SignOn Agent and SignOn Proxy are running on the same computer, please leave default value (
The “SOA Policy Options” allow carrying out extended settings which regard the user synchronization.
Check Password: the password will be automatically synchronized.
Create User: If a user account does not yet exist, it will be automatically created.
Add to group, Remove from Group: the group membership will be adjusted according to the global user management and the “groupmapping List”.
Recreate User on Error: If an error occurs in the user synchronization, for example the user account cannot be synchronized, the user account will be newly created and the password will be synchronized.
Activate All Users: If the user account which should be synchronized is deactivated, it will be activated again even if it is not created by the Agent. Otherwise just user accounts created by the Agent will be activated (marked with the “user description” “SERV_TMP_USER”)
The "Home Directory Options" determines, by which means a home directory is created for the user.
If not disabled, the "Standalone Server" option requires enabled "Create Home Directory" checkbox and "Home Directory Path" checkbox, if the user accounts shall be automatically created. "Home Directory Path" can be set as for example “c:\home”. User home directory will be created in “c:\home”.
If the SignOn Agent is running on a Windows domain controller, "Home Directory Path" can be defined with the word “CLIENT”, and the SignOn Agent uses the settings specified in the Logon Client. If an UNC path is specified, a user directory can be on an other server in the same Windows domain as the SignOn Agent. The UNC path must contain the name of the server! Do not use here IP addresses!
If checkboxes "Set Home Directory Path" and "Set Profile Path" are enabled, the profile path and the home directory path will be created according to the user object.
In case that no drive letter is set for the user directory in the master domain, it is possible to create it here for the Windows user database via the SignOn Agent.
These options are only useful on a domain controller when migrating Windows server(s).
In “ADS Options” the support for the ADS mode can be activated with “Enable ADS support”. Thus it is possible to make additional ADS relevant synchronization settings. “Set ADS Principal Name”: sets the principal name of the ADS user object. The principal name is composed of the UID of the LDAP user object and the Active Directory domain (UID@ADS-domain) “Set Given and Sur Name”: sets the given name und the surname of the ADS user object. For this purpose the LDAP attribute SN and GivenName are used. “Enable OU Move”: Thus it is possible to put users in other “Active Directory OUs” then the default OU (cn=users). “UserDNPrefix” defines the prefix of the “AD user object” (default “cn=”). Please see OU-mapping. “Endable Sync Attributes”: with this “Sync Attributes” can be activated (see Sync Attributes)
Group Mapping
Group mapping by equal group names can be set for standalone server or domain controller: users will be member in the same groups they are in the primary user management, e.g. Sales (master domain group)-> Sales (local group). If the groups are not available on the local server, the option “Create Group” defines, whether they should be created or not.
Under "Except Groups" a list of groups can be excluded e.g.: Administrators, Power Users, Guests, Domain Users. The names of the “Except Groups” can be completed with wildcards, e.g. tmp*, Domain*. This means that neither the user will be automatically assigned to these groups upon synchronization requests, nor will be the membership of the user deleted from these groups in this way.
In case of different group names, the checkbox “Disable Equal Group Mapping” has to be marked; assign to "Master Domain Group" the desired "Local/Global Group". (e.g. SALES -> LocalSales.) Wildcards are possible too, for example: group* -> group* assigns all groups which begin with group to groups which are called the same (group1 -> group1, group 1234 -> group1234, groupABCD ->groupABCD).
If the “Create Group” option activated, the not yet existent groups will be automatically created by the Comtarsia SignOn Agent.
The OU-Mapping effects, that the user object which the SignOn Proxy has forwarded can be placed in another than the Standard-OU in the “Active Directory” (cn=users). The user objects hereby only can be put into already existing OU’s.
If “Enable dynamic OU mapping” is active, the final “UserDN” is created as follows: UserDNPrefix + USERNAME + UserDNSuffix + “,” + OUPrefix + OU + OUSuffix + “,” + ADS-BaseDN Whereas “OU” is replaced by the OU the SignOn Proxy has sent. If “Enable dynamic OU mapping” is not active, the OU which is transmitted from the SignOn Proxy is replaced according to the “OU-mapping-list” (Mapped Organisation Units) Therefore the “UserDN” is created as follows: UserDNPrefix + USERNAME + UserDNsuffix + “,” + Mapped-OU + “,” + ADS BaseDN If an OU which is sent from SignOn Proxy does not occur in the “OU-mapping-list”, the “Default Organisation Unit” is set in.
Sync Attributes
Via the “Sync Attributes” the attributes of the LDAP user object can be assigned to the attributes of the ADS user object. The attributes are read out from the LDAP directory by the SignOn proxy and are forwarded to the SignOn Agent. On the SignOn Agent the mapping of the configured “Sync Attribute Mappings” is carried out. Example postalcode -> postalcode ou -> department street -> streetAddress mail -> mail
“Sync Attributes” can be activated in the “General-Tab” of the SignOn Agent under ADS-Options.
Attention: “Sync Attributes” must be configurated on the SignOn proxy as well as on the SignOn Agent (See also “Sync Attributes” under “Setting up the SignOn Proxy”à LDAP)
Security Agent
This feature provides a high security level: no uncontrolled user accounts remain active longer than defined, since Security Agent automatically deactivates these. The execution time is precisely configurable.
"Threshold Time to Live" defines how many days after the last login the user account shall be deactivated. After the numbers of days (set in the "Threshold User Time to Remove") are up, the user will be finally deleted from the Comtarsia user database. With a new user logon the account will be automatically activated again, provided that the account is still valid in the primary user management. Both active and disabled users are to be listed up by "List active Users"/"List disabled users".
Service Control
Startup type (Autom./Manual) specifies which Comtarsia services should be automatically started at system start. Agent service can be started and stopped or disabled manually.
The “Event Log” provides information, warnings or error messages. (Double cklick.)
A license key for testing purposes is provided, validity please see on the key. Press "Load a new licensekey" in order to browse for purchased license key according to individual conditions.
1.3.3 Setting up SignOn ProxyDomain Synchronization
In the field "Add domain" can be specified the name(s) of the domain(s) or the standalone server name, which is to be synchronized ("Domain Name"). Click „Add“.
Also the server, where the SignOn Agent will run and process the synchronization requests, must be defined here ("Server"). In case a standalone server is configured, "Failover" and "Loadbalancing" is disabled. Otherwise it is here to configure, whether secondary server (set under "Secondary Server") will only be contacted, if primary server stops processing inbound requests (enable "Failover"); or instead the requests are sent to server1 and server2 in alternation (enable "Loadbalancing"). In the field "Domain Type" is/are the domain type(s) or the standalone server configuration to set.
“SyncPolicy” makes a group dependent synchronization possible. At “SyncPolicyAllow” groups can be defined, which members can be synchronized to these agents. At “SyncPolicyDeny” groups can be defined, which members are not to be synchronized to these agents. The names of the groups are separated with commas and can be completed with wildcards, e.g. group*. “SyncPolicyDeny” overwrites “SyncPolicyAllow”, i.e. users, which are members in a “SyncPolicyAllow”-group as well as in a “SyncPolicyDeny”-Group are not going to be synchronized. The fields “SyncPolicyAllow” and “SyncPolicyDeny” must not contain more than 1024 characters.
SyncPolicyAllow: group* SyncPolicyDeny: group5
User1 member of “group10” à is synchronized User2 member of “group2, group5” à is not synchronized User3 member of “group” à is synchronized User4 member of “group5” à is not synchronized
At “Hold Domains” domains can be temporally deactivated. In the domain-list “Hold Domains” are marked with a red “Pause” icon.
"Master Domain Name" - specifies the authentication domain name. In case of a LDAP-logon, the value “LDAP LOGON” can be left alone, in case of a primary OS/2-logon of the clients, the according domain name has to be put in. Logon requests are accepted ONLY against this domain!
“Authentication Server Type for Password Counter Check”: If enabled, the SignOn Proxy executes a counter checking, e.g. does not simply accept the user/password received from the Logon Client, processes instead a logon against the master domain to reassure password validity. Synchronization request will be forwarded to SignOn Agent only after successful logon.
If OS/2, configure "Server Name" and "IP Address" below, if LDAP, the next page "LDAP" will be enabled for complete setup.
Here several LDAP parameters can be configured for the “Logon Client” and the “Web Sync Client” (please refer to the “Logon Client LDAP” manual).
The parameter “OU Search List” is only implemented together with the “Web Sync Client”. The “OUSearchList” is a list of OU’s, which are used for the automatic creation of the UserDN, instead of the OU of the Logon Panel. The “SignOn Proxy” tries an authentication with all OUs in the defined order until a logon is successful. The several OU strings are separated with “;”, for example: LDAPOUSearchList=”at;de;uk”
Sync Attributes Via the “Sync Attribute” the attributes of the LDAP user object can be assigned to the attribute of the ADS user object. Under “Sync Attributes” a comma or semicolon-separated list of LDAP attributes, which should be forwarded to the SignOn Agent, can be specified.
Example postalcode,ou,street,title,mail
Attention: “Sync Attributes” must be configurated on the SignOn proxy as well as on the SignOn Agent (See also “Sync Attributes” under “Setting up the SignOn Agent”)
LDAPSearchForUser Registry Entry: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ComtSOP\LDAP\ Attribute: LDAPSearchForUser Type:REG_DWORD
If the value of this entry is set to “1”, the SignOn Proxy searches for the user object (LDAPUserDNPrefix + USERNAME) below the “LDAPBaseDN”. The LDAP directory server has to allow “Anonynmous – Search/Read-Access”.
AttributeBasedGroups Registry Entry: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ComtSOP\LDAP\ Attribute: AttributeBasedGroups Type:REG_MULTI_SZ
This entry allows adding of groups dynamically to the current user based on LDAP attributes.
Example: AttributeBasedGroups: physicalDeliveryOfficeName=ATQA%s01_G
At logon of the user, the SignOn Proxy tries to read the LDAP-attribute “physicalDeliveryOfficeName” out of the user object and then adds a dynamic group “ATQA%s01_G” to the user. “%s” is replaced with the contents of the attribute “physicalDeliveryOfficeName”.
Multivalue LDAP attributes with up to 10 entries are being supported. There is also the possibility to cut the first character of the LDAP attribute off, by setting a “>” behind the “=”.
Example: AttributeBasedGroup: physicalDeliveryOfficeName=>ATQA%s01_G
AttributeBasedOU Registry Entry: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ComtSOP\LDAP\ Attribute: AttributeBasedOU Type:REG_MULTI_SZ
Based on this registry entry an attribute of the LDAP-user object can be specified to use it as OU. This OU is then forwarded to the agent systems and there it is used for further purposes (depending of the configurations).
Example: AttributeBasedOU:departmentNumber=DEP_%s The left part of this entry defines which LDAP-attribute should be used; the right part defines how this attribute should be completed. “%s” is replaced with the contents of the attribute of the LDAP user object.
There is also the possibility to cut the first character of the LDAP attribute off, by setting a “>” behind the “=”.
Example: AttributeBasedGroup: physicalDeliveryOfficeName=>ATQA%s01_G
Service Control
Startup type (Autom./Manual) defines which Comtarsia services are automatically started at system start. Furthermore these services can be stopped and started manually.
A license key for testing purposes is provided, validity please see on the key. Press "Load a new licensekey" in order to browse for purchased license key according to individual conditions.
Herewith installation of SignOn Proxy and SignOn Agent is successfully finished. |
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