Stipcakgasse 14/7/7
A-1230 Vienna
Tel.: +43-720-34 37 76
Fax: +43-720-34 37 76 - 88
UID: ATU55999708
- Camera access is used only for scanning OTP QR codes.
- On app startup, the app version and the Android version are transmitted to the Comtarsia cloud service for an update check.
This information is stored in the Comtarsia cloud service only for logging purposes for a maximum duration of 4 weeks and automatically deleted afterward.
- When using TOTP or HOTP no further information is transmitted over the internet.
- When using the COTP push notifications, your username/domainname and IP address are transmitted using Google Firebase Messaging and
the Comtarsia cloud service, which then relays this information together with an authentication token back to your company's authentication service.
This information is stored in the Comtarsia cloud service until you or your company's administrator chooses to remove the COTP authentication method from your account.
Data Privacy Policy / Datenschutzvereinbarung